Installation first backup:

This video will provide you with a guided tour of installing the Online Business Backup client on your Desktop, some of the default configuration options and how to successfully run your first backup.

Fast and simple steps ensure that you can easily get going with backing up your first data in a fast, simple, secure and accessible environment. Contact us now or view our competitive pricing plans to get started.


Backup NZ Client Cloud Backup Software Setup And Initial Backup Instructions

How to setup your cloud backup software?

Hi and welcome to this back up tutorial today we’re gonna be learning how to install Redstor on our PC or laptop then configure our account to link to our main account. We will then learn how to run our initial backup.
First of all you want to start by clicking on the installer and running it. Once the Installer pops up you’ll want to follow all the default instructions. When you get to the end click finish.
On startup of the client, a setup wizard pop-up will appear. This wizard allows you to connect your account to the server.
First off you want to create a backup account name, this is what your PC is called as default. You can change this to whatever you’d like. You’ll then want to setup your account
password keep this in a safe place maybe write it down on a piece of paper just
keep it somewhere only you know it is.
This can on the occasion that you can’t recall it be changed by your supplier. Confirm your password and move on to entering your encryption key. This scrambles the data being backed up on the server so this is very important, you must keep this safe and know where
it is at all times. This cannot be changed and without it you cannot backup
or recover your data, so please keep it safe.

How to setup a data backup schedule?

Once this is done you’ll be instructed to set up a backup schedule. You can do this daily at a certain time or tick the advanced schedule to run it as you’d like. Simply
select the day and the time you wish for this to run. Then choose your connection type usually the default will suffice for most users, and choose whether to minimize time and
disk usage, or speed.
The next pop-up will show you the directories at which your documents will be saving to so take a note of this and change if you’d like. Just note that all folders must be
in the same location.

How to run an initial data backup?

Thats the final step for connecting and setting up your account now let’s move on to using the client itself and running our first backup.
The panel to the left shows the directories of the folders and files on your PC. To start off with, you can choose a folder you’d like to import by right-clicking on it, and selecting
include folder.
I’ve set up a test backup folder on my desktop with a few video files in it and we’ll be checking that it meets the size requirements of your account, which is sorted by your
supplier based on your backup package.
Looks like we’re good to go so we can hit OK and then simply hit backup. This will start the backup process and we can now just relax and watch our data back up to this server. There is also a helpful help window which pops up on the right-hand side simply by clicking the help icon. This is a good read and I advise that you take a day or two to
read through it at your will, there’s lots of handy information here. Now our backup is complete.
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